Through the following outlets in Llangollen,
Until Midnight on 28th February 2025:
Courtyard Books, Llangollen Oggie Shop, & Cwtch Castle Street

Thank you for supporting our most recent production:
Take a look at Llanblogger’s review here

November 2024 production:
ALLO! ‘ALLO! 2 – The Camembert Caper
November 2019 – BLACKADDER 2 Hailed a success by audiences, and The Club….
Three classic episodes from the Elizabethan era were performed at The Town Hall, Llangollen, 7th – 9th November 2019, and received rave reviews.
“HEAD,” and “BELLS” were both in the first ‘half,’ with “BEER” concluding after the interval.
Our excellent audiences seemed to thoroughly enjoy the show, as too did the cast, and the crew.
Thank you once again for supporting us. We are now looking forward to revealing our March 20120 play soon. Audition dates will also be posted here.
We look forward to seeing you…
Llanblogger, watched November 2019 production’s dress rehearsal on Monday evening, and wrote an excellent report.
A Warm Welcome to our new website.
The Twenty Club Amateur Players, to use the full name, is one of the oldest dramatic societies in North Wales
One of the oldest dramatic societies in North Wales, the club was founded in 1946 with twenty original members, which gave the club its name. The club presents two plays a year, in autumn and spring, with a mixture of comedy, drama and period productions.
If you are interested in appearing in any of our productions, or helping in any way, please contact us and come to the auditions (you don’t have to be a member as they are open to all). Also, just because we are called the Twenty Club doesn’t mean you have to be over twenty to join – we are called that because we started in 1946 with twenty members!

Please come along and get involved.
We are also looking for people who would be interested in helping backstage, front of house, publicity or tickets, there are many jobs available – far outnumbering the number of cast needed and all vitally as important! If you would like to be involved, even if you can only spare a little time, we would love to hear from you. We also hold a number of social evenings throughout the year, so you don’t even have to work to be a member!
We still need younger blood to come in and help across all roles, so that the reputation we have of putting on good productions with excellent sets can continue. It truly is a team effort to stage a production ? Come and try us out!
If you would like to be considered for a role in the play, but are unable to make the auditions, then please get in touch! If you would like to be kept informed by email of dates for auditions and performances then contact us or see us on Facebook.
A little intro to us here at the Llangollen Twenty Club Amateur Players.
The society’s first production was ‘Distinguished Gathering’, and since then it has presented over 100 separate plays. In the 21st Century, the Twenty Club continues its programme of events, visits and readings, and currently has more than 100 members, many of whom live locally. One of the founder members, Betty Lowe, is now Life President and still active on stage. We strive to reach professional standards in every aspect of production, and pride ourselves on the welcome we give to audience members, both old and new.
A member of the National Theatre for the Disabled, the club takes productions to a Cheshire Home in the Llangollen area. Along with other users of the Town Hall in Llangollen, we are working towards a grant application to improve the social and performance amenities in this fine example of a Victorian civic building.
Should you have any questions, or wish to find out more, then please do not hesitate to contact us using the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Following the AGM, we would like to welcome four new committee members; Chrissie Ashworth, Arwel Jarvis, Neil Evans, and Joe Clifford to the Committee, and to thank Lizzie Clifford, Lesley Jones, Dan Pedley and Jean Evans, for their support, loyalty, and commitment to Club over a number of years.
The 2019/20 Committee is now as follows:
- Sian Glynne-Jones – Chair
- John Clifford – Vice Chair
- Keith Hall – Treasurer
(Secretarial duties will be carried out by the above until a permenant member is appointed).
- Lyn Aston – Selection Committee
- Jenni Bakewell-Lloyd
- June Cook
- David Connolly
- Neil Evans
- Joe Clifford
- Arwel Jarvis
- Kevin Williams
- Margaret Pierce-Jenkins

2019 AGM
Following the usual ‘business’ of The Twenty Club’s AGM, including the Chair’s introduction, the finiancial reports, and the election of several new officers, an enjoyable evening was had by all.
A buffet was provided, and we then got down to the serious business of ‘skittles!’
Pictures will follow, including presentations to both the winning and the losing teams!
The AGM proved an excellent oppoortunity to catch up with old friends, and to meet new ones! It was a great fun evening.
Thank you for coming. We look forward to seeing you again soon.